CrossFit – Sat, Dec 10

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Stretch/roll out

Active WU


Metcon (Time)

With a partner, 10 rounds for time:

-40 Double unders

-20 Abmat sit-ups

-10 Front squats, 95/65#

-5 Burpees over bar

*Alternate full rounds with a partner, AFAP. Earn your rest. Rx+ V-ups & 135/95#

CrossFit – Fri, Dec 9

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Roll out 5 min

Agility ladder

Shoulder kips

Barbell front rack stretch

10 Clean & Jerks light

5 Clean & Jerks medium

Set up for WOD


Bikes/Pull-ups/C&Js (Time)

3 Rounds for time:

-30/25 Cal bike

-20 Pull-ups

-10 Clean &jerks, 135/95#

*Rx+ C2B and 185/125#


Deadlift (Heavy single remaining time.)

CrossFit – Thu, Dec 8

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Cage run, 10 minutes


Step-ups/Slam Ball Side Throws/Wall Walks (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 35 min:

-50 Step-ups, alternating legs each rep (unweighted)

-20 Slam ball side throws, 30/20#

-5 Wall walks

CrossFit – Wed, Dec 7

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Hip 90/90 stretch

ATYs w/ light weight, 15 reps each

PVC pass throughs

Burgener WU

3 rounds of:

-30 double unders

-5 hang power snatches (increase weight each rd)

-10 lunge jumps


Hang Power Snatch (1 rep EMOM 10 minutes)


Hang Power Snatches/Box Jumps (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:

5 Hang power snatches, 95/65#

7 Box jumps, 24/20″

*Rx+ 135/95# & 30/24″

CrossFit – Tue, Dec 6

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Couch stretch

Pigeon stretch

PVC pass throughs

Shoulder kips

3 rounds of:

-5 plate squat/hamstring stretches

-5 plate ground to OH

-8 OH walking lunges

-10 hollow rocks



Rows/TTB/Burpees (Time)

7 Rounds for time of:

-10/8 Cal row

-8 Toes to bar

-6 Burpees

*Sub kipping knee raises as needed.

Farmer’s Carry (Heavy 100′ walk in remaining time)

Single arm, be sure to do both arms

CrossFit – Mon, Dec 5

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Calf stretch

OH band stretch

Hip circle band WU

Rotator cuff WU

3 rounds of:

-10/8 cal bike

-10 thrusters (increase weight each rd)

-10 toes to bar


Metcon (Weight)

Every 4 minutes x 10 rounds:

-4 Back squats

-4 Shoulder presses

*Start around 45-50% 1RM and increase weight each round if possible. Add weight of heaviest lifts together for score.

CrossFit – Sat, Dec 3

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Group stretch

Active WU


Metcon (Time)

With a partner, 10 rounds for time:

-15/12 Cal row

-10 HR push-ups

-15 KB swings, 55/35#

-5 HR push-ups

-10 KB swings, 55:35#

*Alternate full rounds with a partner, AFAP. Earn your rest. Rx+ Ring dips and 75/55#.

CrossFit – Fri, Dec 2

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Roll out

Hip circle band WU

Wall angels

3 Rounds of:

-5 KB snatches/arm

-5 KB windmills/arm

-5 OH walking lunge steps/arm

-5 KB goblet squats


DB Snatch (Heavy single/arm in 20 min. )


Wall Balls/Pull-ups (Time)

For time:

35 Wall balls

30 Pull-ups

35 Wall balls

20 Pull-ups

35 Wall balls

10 Pull-ups

*Wall ball weight is 20#/14#. Scale reps as needed. Sub jumping pull-ups. Rx+ chest to bar pull-ups.

CrossFit – Thu, Dec 1

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Group stretch

Agility ladder



Sit-ups/Burpees/Rows (Time)

5 Rounds for Time: (36 min cap):

-30 Sit-ups

-30 Burpees:

-30/25 Cal row

*Rx+ GHD sit-ups, line-facing burpees, and bike cals.

CrossFit – Wed, Nov 30

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Group stretch

3 Rounds of:

-5 Inch worm push-ups

-10 PVC pass throughs

-5 90/90 hip stretch switches

-10 KB swings

-5 Reverse burpees


Deadlift (Heavy single 15 minutes)


Rows/Pull-ups (Time)

For Time (20 min cap):

750m Row

35 Pull-ups

500m Row

25 Pull-ups

250m Row

15 Pull-ups

*Scale reps as needed (banded/jumping pull-ups okay today – avoid ring rows) Rx+ Sub 15/12/9 MUs.