CrossFit – Thu, Nov 17

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Roll out

PVC pass throughs

OH band stretch

3 Rounds:

-5 ATYs light weight

-5 Roll to stands

-5 Pull-ups

-5 OH squats


Handstand Push-ups (3 sets x 5 reps)

Practice. Do hardest version you can do – Wall facing, deficit, strict, kipping, abmat, etc.

Rope Climb (3 sets x 1-2 reps)

Practice perfect technique – hang from arms, only pull once feet locked and “standing up”


HSPUs/Rope Climbs (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 10 Min:

-7 HSPUs

-1 Rope climb, 18/15′

CrossFit – Wed, Nov 16

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Group stretch

Hip circle band WU

Front rack stretch

3 Rounds:

-5 Hang muscle cleans

-5 Front squats

-6 Alt pistols/assisted pistols

*Add weight each round


Hang Clean (Work up to heavy single in 15 minutes)


Regional WOD 12.2 (Time)

For time (17min cap):

-Row 2000m

-50 Pistols, alternating legs each rep

-30 Hang cleans, 225#/135#

*Sub squat jumps, scale weight as needed.

CrossFit – Tue, Nov 15

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Roll out

Rotator cuff WU

Hip 90/90 stretches

3 Rounds:

-3 KB windmills/side

-2 KB OH squats/arm

-4 Reverse burpees

-8 Lunge jumps


Turkish Get Up (Heavy single/arm in 20 minutes)


Echo Bike/Turkish Get-ups 2 (Time)

3 Rounds for time:

-12/9 Cal bike

-4 Turkish get-ups, alt arms, 75/55#

CrossFit – Mon, Nov 14

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Group stretch

PVC pass throughs

OH band stretch

3 Rounds:

-10 shoulder kips

-8 DB hang muscle clean & press

-6 OH squats

-4 Burpee pull-ups


DB Hang Clean & Jerk – Single Arm (Work up to heavy double both arms)


Row/DB Hang C&J/C2B Pull-ups (Time)

For time:

40/32 Cal row buy-in, then:

3 rounds of:

-16 alternating DB hang clean and jerks, 50/35#

-12 Chest to bar pull-ups

CrossFit – Sat, Nov 12

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit

Warm Up

Group stretch

Active WU



Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 20 Min, you go I go:

-10/8 Cal row

-30 Double unders

-1 Rope climb

*Partner A completes full round while B rests, then switch. Depending on your level of soreness, you can hit a heavy DL during your rest.

CrossFit – Fri, Nov 11

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Group stretch

Agility ladder



Armistice 2022 (Time)

For total time:

6 Rounds of:

-11 Mountain climbers

-11 Power cleans, 95/65#

2 Min rest/reflection

6 Rounds of:

-19 Hand release push-ups

-18 Burpee box jumps, 24/20″

-100m Run
As part of WOD for Warriors, participants complete the Armistice WOD every year on November 11th, Veterans Day. The WOD includes six rounds representing the branches of the U.S. Armed Forces – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Space Force.

The WOD includes 11, 19, and 18 reps of various exercises, marking the end of World War I on 11/11/1918. The 2-minute rest and reflection is representative of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where at 11 am, each November 11th, honors are rendered to remember those we lost in service to our nation.

CrossFit – Thu, Nov 10

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Roll out

3 Rounds:

-30 double unders

-10 burpees

-10 toes to bar

-10 OH squats

5k Run (Time)

Max Effort 5k Run

CrossFit – Tue, Nov 8

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Roll out

3 Rounds of:

-10 DB muscle snatches, alt arms

-10 push-ups

-5 pull-ups

-3 strict TTB

-1 pullover/assisted pullover


DB Snatch (Heavy single each arm in 15 min)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 20 Min:

-5 Pull-overs

-20 GHD sit-ups

-1 Min plank hold

CrossFit – Mon, Nov 7

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Group stretch

3 Rounds:

-20 hip circle band side steps (10/side)

-5 med ball cleans

-5 burpee pull-ups

-5 reverse burpees


Front Squat (10-7-5-3-3-3-3-3)


Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds for Time of:

-30/24 calorie bike

-20 wall balls, 20/14#

-10 HSPUs

*Rx+ for 11/10′ target and wall facing HSPUs.

CrossFit – Wed, Nov 9

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Group stretch

3 Rounds of:

-10 shoulder kips

-5 burpee box jumps

-5 pull-ups

-10 OH squats


Sleds/Yokes (3 x 50m)

Sled push or Yoke carry


Death by Pull-ups & Push Presses (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Min 1: 1 Pull-up & 1 push press

Min 2: 2 Pull-ups & 2 push presses

Min 3: 3 Pull-ups & 2 push presses

*Continue adding 1 rep of each movement each minute until you cannot complete the required work within the minute. Rx 95/65#. Rx+ C2B and 135/95#.