7/5/17 OG

CrossFit Roselle – Open Gym

Clean and Jerk (1 Rep EMOM 12 minutes)

Work up to 65% and start the clock. Increase weight each set if possible.

Reverse Hypers (7-7-7-7)

Sets should be heavy. Increase weight only if all 7 reps are good.

7/4/17 Fourth of July WOD

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


The CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure)

3 rounds of 10-15 reps of:
Samson Stretch (15-30 seconds)
Overhead Squat with PVC


Whitten (Time)

5 Rounds for time:

22 Kettlebell swings, 70#

22 Box jump, 24”

400m Run

22 Burpees

22 Wall-Ball Shots, 20#
In honor of Army Captain Dan Whitten, 28, of Grimes, Iowa, died February 2, 2010
To learn more about Whitten click here
Go at it solo or partner up. Just get the work done.

Women use 55# KBs, 20″ box jumps, and 14# wall balls to 9′ target.

7/3/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Group stretch, then in 10 minutes:

Row 500m

25 Shoulder kips


20 MC Hip stretches

10 Wall squats

50 Double unders

5 Wall walks

MU practice in remaining time.


Hang Squat Clean (1 Rep EMOM 10 minutes)


Paul C. (Time)

For time (20min cap):

30 Hang squat cleans, 115#/75#

30 Toes to bar

30 Burpees

30 Power cleans, 115#/75#

30 Squat jumps

30 V-ups

300m Run
Happy 31st Birthday, Paul!!!

7/3/17 OG

CrossFit Roselle – Open Gym

Snatch (3-3-3-3-3)

Touch and go preferred, but drop each rep if necessary. Each set should take no more than 25 seconds.

Overhead Squat (3-3-3-3-3)

7/1/17 Masters/Beginners

CrossFit Roselle – Masters/Beginners


Active Warm-up (No Measure)

High knees, butt kicks, etc. Dynamic.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 20 Minutes:

– Sled Push

– 20 Pull-ups or ring rows

– 20 DB snatches (10 each partner, 5 each arm)

– 50-100m Sprint

*One partner working at a time. Keep reps/distance short so intensity can remain high.

7/1/17 CF Partner

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Active Warm-up (No Measure)

High knees, butt kicks, etc. Dynamic.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Metcon (No Measure)

5 Rounds of the following:

– HEAVY sled push (1 partner down, other partner back)

– 20-30 Pull-ups (break up any way between partners)

– 100m Sprint (1st partner, then 2nd partner)

*Get through each round AFAP, then rest as needed before starting next round. No pacing. Sub ring rows as needed. Keep intensity high and earn your rest.

6/30/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Active Warm-up (No Measure)

High knees, butt kicks, etc. Dynamic.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Back Squat (5-5-5-5)

Warm-up sets of 10-7-5, then start on working sets. Increase each set if possible.


DB Snatches/DB OH Lunges (Time)

21-15-9 Reps for time of:

DB snatches left arm

DB OH lunge steps left arm

DB snatches right arm

DB OH lunge steps right arm

*Rx 50#/35#, Rx+ 75#/50#

6/30/17 OG

CrossFit Roselle – Open Gym

Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch (1-1-1-1-1)

Complete all 3 segments without setting bar down.

Box Step Ups (5-5-5-5-5)

Back rack position. Step up and stand on top of box using only one leg. Do all reps with one leg before changing to other leg. Hip crease should be below knee when foot is resting on top of box.
Do 5 reps with one leg, then 5 with opposite leg for one set.

6/29/17 Masters/Beginners

CrossFit Roselle – Masters/Beginners


Warm-up (No Measure)

Group Roll Out, then:

30 Shoulder kips

15 Box jumps

15 KB swings

15 Kipping knee raises/TTB

15 Push-ups

15 OH squats


Pull-ups (ME set x 3)


Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

4 Rounds of the following:

Row 350m AFAP, then perform a ME set of bench press. Rest 3 minutes between rounds. Pick a weight you can do 10+ reps on your first set. Record row time and reps each round.

6/29/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Group Roll Out, then in 10 minutes:

2 Rounds of:

– 40 Double unders

– 30 Shoulder kips

– 20 MC hip stretches

– 10 Wall squats

*Perform KB windmills in remaining time.


Pull-ups (Practice while setting up for WOD)


Rows/Bench Presses/Rests (4 Rounds for time)

4 Rounds of:

Row 500m AFAP

ME Bench Press, 135#/85#

Rest 3 minutes between rounds.

*Row 500m for time, then immediately go into your max effort set of bench press. Once finished, rest approximately 3 min and repeat. Scale weight to something you can do 10+ reps unbroken your first set. Post row times and reps each round to notes.