5/19/17 OG

CrossFit Roselle – Open Gym

Hang power snatch + Hang squat snatch + Squat snatch (1-1-1-1-1-1-1)

Perform all 3 components without setting down bar
Start around 60% and increase only if all 3 reps are good.

Snatch Grip Deadlift (2-2-2-2-2-2)

Weight is heavy. Maintain proper back angle during each rep. Go heavier than last week if form is good.

5/19/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Agility Ladder (No Measure)

Various agility drills using ladder or hoops.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Power Clean (1 Rep EMOM 20 Minutes)

Start 75# below your 1RM and increase by only 5 pounds each rep. If you miss a rep, do not add weight. Make a second attempt the next minute. If you fail twice at same weight, then you take off 10-20 pounds and remain at that weight for remaining sets.


Squat Cleans/Front Squats/Jerks/Double Unders (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 7 Minutes:

1 Squat Clean

2 Front Squats

1 Jerk (split or power)

30 Double unders

*For barbell work, you cannot set down bar in middle of round or it does not count. Rx+ for UB DUs. Record weight used. Sub 40 single unders if needed.

5/18/17 Masters

CrossFit Roselle – Masters


Warm-up (No Measure)

12 Min AMRAP:

Run 200m

10 Shoulder kips

5 Med ball cleans w/ bounce at bottom

10 DB power snatches w/ light weight and perfect form

20 Duck walk steps


DB Snatches/Dips (Time)

21-15-9 Reps for time of:

DB Snatches, alternating arms, 50#/35#


*Scale weight as needed. Use band if necessary. Rx+ for 60#/40# and Ring dips.

5k Row (Time)

Max Effort 5k Row

5/18/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

12 Min AMRAP:

Run 200m

10 Shoulder kips

5 Med ball cleans w/ bounce at bottom

10 DB power snatches w/ light weight and perfect form

20 Duck walk steps


Slightly Scaled Regional WOD 17.2 (Time)

21-15-9 Reps for time of:

DB Snatches, alternating arms, 75#/50#

Ring Dips

*Regional WOD is supposed to be 80#/55#, but due to limited quantities, we are going with 75#/50#. Scale weight and perform banded ring/stationary dips as needed.

5k Row (Time)

Max Effort 5k Row

5/17/17 OG

CrossFit Roselle – Open Gym

Snatch (3-3-3-3-3)

Touch and go. Start at 60% and increase only if form is good for all 3 reps.

Snatch Balance (2-2-2-2-2-2)

Start sets where you left off above. Do more weight than last week.

5/17/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Run 800m

15 KB swings

15 Burpees

15 Pull-ups

15 OH Squats


Reverse Tire or Sled Pulls/Tire Flips/Weighted Walking Lunges (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:

150′ Reverse Tire or Sled Pull

5 Tire flips

30 Walking lunges w/ sandbag in front rack

*Rest approximately 3 minutes between rounds. Post weight used for each movement. Record individual round times. Once final walking lunge is completed, you must run back up to gym for finish time.

5/16/17 Masters

CrossFit Roselle – Masters


Warm-up (No Measure)

AMRAP 10 Min:

Run 200

10 Mountain climber hip stretches

10 Shoulder kips

5 Deadlifts

*Add weight to deadlifts each round.


Deadlift (3 Reps EOMOM)

Every OTHER Minute on the Minute. Add weight each set if possible.


Lite Regional WOD 17.1 (AMRAP – Reps)

In 25 Minutes:

Run 1200m, then

12 Rounds of:


– 6 Pull-ups

– 8 Air squats

In remaining time, run as far as possible in 200m laps around building.

*Scaled/Masters do regular push-ups and ring rows. Rx+ do HSPUs.

5/16/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Burgener Warm Up (No Measure)

Snatch warm up and skill w/ PVC

Warm-up (No Measure)

EMOM 10 Min:

Even: Hang power snatch + hang squat snatch + squat snatch

Odd: 20 Double unders

*Use barbell with light weight and perfect form.


Snatch (1 Rep EMOM for 20 minutes)

Start 75# below your 1RM and increase by only 5 pounds each rep. If you miss a rep, do not add weight. Make a second attempt the next minute. If you fail twice at same weight, then you take off 10-20 pounds and remain at that weight for remaining sets.


Bar Over Burpees/Rows (AMRAP – Reps)

AMRAP 7 Minutes:

50 Bar over burpees

Calorie row in remaining time.

*Score is total reps completed, including the BOB. Scaled/Masters 30 regular burpees and then calorie row in remaining time. No Rx+, just go all out.

5/15/17 OG

CrossFit Roselle – Open Gym

Snatch (1 Rep EMOM 12 Minutes)

Start at 65% and increase only if form is perfect. Do not go above 90%.

Snatch Pull (3-3-3-3-3)

Do a few warm-ups and start sets where you left off above. Goal is to go up to 110% with proper form.

5/15/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

AMRAP 10 Min:

Row 250

10 Mountain climber hip stretches

10 Shoulder kips

10 Sec Handstand Hold

5 Deadlifts

*Add weight to deadlifts each round.


Deadlift (3 Reps EOMOM 10 Minutes)

Every OTHER Minute on the Minute. Increase weight each set if possible.


Lite Regional WOD 17.1 (AMRAP – Reps)

In 25 Minutes:

Run 1200m, then

12 Rounds of:


– 6 Pull-ups

– 8 Air squats

In remaining time, run as far as possible in 200m laps around building.

*Scaled/Masters do regular push-ups and ring rows. Rx+ do HSPUs.
Score is by reps. 10m run = 1 rep, so the 1200m run = 120 reps. Each 200m lap is 20 reps.

Regional WOD 17.1 (Time)

For time (25min cap):

Run 1200m, then

12 Rounds of:

– 4 Strict HSPU

– 8 C2B Pull-ups

– 12 Squats

Rx+ wear vest, 20#/14#