6/15/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

In 10 Minutes:

Run 800m

20 Shoulder kips

20 Mtn Climber hip stretches

15 OH squats

15 Sumo deadlift high pulls

10 Reverse burpees

10 Burpee pull-ups

Handstand walk in any remaining time.


Sleds/Yokes (3 Trips down and back)

Sled push or Yoke carry

Reverse lunge steps (10-10-10-10-10)

Back rack position. Step back with one leg until knee kisses ground, then stand back up to starting position. Alternate legs each rep.


Runs/Muscle-ups (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:

5 Muscle ups

200m run/250m row

*Rest 1 minute between rounds. Sub 10 pull-ups/round for the MUs.

6/14/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Double unders 1 minute

Bear crawl 1 minute

Backwards crab walk 1 minute

Duck walk 1 minute

Inchworm push-ups 1 minute

Frog hops 1 minute

Shoulder kips 1 minute

Plank hold for time.


Sledgehammer Strikes (10 Each arm x 5 sets)


Deadlifts/Push-ups/Double unders (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:

5 Deadlifts, 225#/155#

15 Push-ups

25 Double unders

*Scale weight for DLs as needed (most rounds should be UB). Perform elevated push-ups if needed. 50 singles/round for DUs. Rx+ 315# and Ring dips for push-ups.

6/13/17 Masters/Beginners

CrossFit Roselle – Masters/Beginners


Warm-up (No Measure)

AMRAP 10 minutes:

Row 200m

3 Burpees

4 Sumo deadlift high pulls

5 Box jumps

6 Mtn climber hip stretches

7 Shoulder kips


Shoulder Press (5-5-5-5-5)

Warm-up sets of 10-7 then start your sets of 5. Increase weight each set if possible.


KB Swings/Med Ball Twists/Runs (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 15 Minutes:

15 KB swings, 45#/25#

20 Med ball twists, 20#/14#

300m Run

6/13/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Agility Ladder (No Measure)

Various agility drills using ladder or hoops.


Back Squat (3-3-3-3-3)

Warm-up sets of 10-7-5, then start sets of 3. Increase weight each set if possible.


Wall Balls/Rope Climbs EMOM (12 Rounds for reps)

EMOM 12 Min:

Even: 12 Wall balls, 20#/14# to 12’/10′ targets

Odd: 2 Rope climbs, 18’/15′

*Scaled/Masters adjust weight/height of Wall balls, but maintain 12 reps. Also, scale to 1 rope climb or sub 10-15 ring rows each set.

6/12/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

In 10 Minutes:

Row 750m

20 Shoulder kips

30 Sec Sampson stretch each leg

10 Mtn Climber hip stretches

1 min Squat stretch

30 Sec Reverse bridge stretch

Then, AMRAP in remaining time:

– 5 Pull-ups

– 5 Wall balls


KBS/Med Ball Twists/Runs (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:

20 KB swings, 55#/35#

30 Med ball twists, 20#/14#

400m Run


3 Rounds for time of:

20 KB swings, 75#/55#

30 GHD sit-ups

400m Run

Cool Down

Yoga Poses/Stretches (No Measure)

Spend 5-10 minutes as a group – Coach’s choice of movements.

6/10/17 M/B Partner

CrossFit Roselle – Masters/Beginners


Active Warm-up (No Measure)

High knees, butt kicks, etc. Dynamic.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


SDHPs/OH Walking Lunges/DB Snatches/Runs (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 20 Minutes:

30 Sumo deadlift high pulls

40 OH Walking lunges

50 DB snatches

Run 600m

*Only 1 partner working at a time, including the runs. Chose weight for each movement and post to notes along with rounds/reps completed.
Sub goblet squats for the OH walking lunges if needed.

6/10/17 CF Partner

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Active Warm-up (No Measure)

High knees, butt kicks, etc. Dynamic.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


SDHPs/OH Walking Lunges/DB Snatches/Runs (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 20 Minutes:

30 Sumo deadlift high pulls

40 OH Walking lunges

50 DB snatches

Run 600m

*Only 1 partner working at a time, including the runs. Chose weight for each movement and post to notes along with rounds/reps completed.

6/9/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Agility Ladder (No Measure)

Various agility drills using ladder or hoops.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk (1-1-1-1-1-1-1)

Perform all three movements without setting down bar


DUs/TTB/PCs/MUs (AMRAP – Reps)

In 15 Minutes:

200 Double unders

50 TTB

200 Double unders

50 Power cleans, 95#/65#

AMRAP Muscle ups in remaining time. If you cannot do muscle ups, sub 2 pull-ups + 2 dips for 1 muscle up.

*Sub 400 Singles and kipping knee raises/scale weight as needed. Rx+ 135#/95#. For scoring purposes, 2 singles = 1 DU.

6/8/17 Masters/Beginners

CrossFit Roselle – Masters/Beginners


Warm-up (No Measure)

Row 4 minutes

Sampson stretch 30 seconds each side

Shoulder kips 30 seconds

Squat stretch 30 seconds

Reverse bridge stretch 30 seconds

Front rack stretch 30 seconds

Hang power cleans 30 seconds

Shoulder presses 30 seconds

Run 4 minutes


Power Clean (10 minute practice)


Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:

7 Power cleans

7 Burpees

30 Double unders/50 singles

*Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

6/8/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

In 10 Minutes:

Run 400m

Sampson stretch 30 seconds each leg

10 shoulder pass throughs w/ PVC

20 shoulder kips

10 mountain climber hip stretches

Then, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. reps of the following in the remaining time:

– mountain climber push-ups

– pull-ups

– OH squats


DB Bench Press (5-5-5-5-5)

Bent Over Row (5-5-5-5-5)


Rows/Runs (Time)

For time:

Row 1000m

Run 800m

Row 500m

Run 400m