$plit the Pot WOD 21.2

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

OH band stretch

Half pigeon stretch

20 Hip circle band step-up/overs

3 Rounds of:

-8 Muscle cleans

-6 Thrusters

-4 MC hip stretches

-2 Burpee pull-ups


STPW 21.1 Part A (Weight)

With a 10 minute running clock:

A: In 4 minutes, build to max weight in the following complex:

-3 Front squats

-2 Hang cleans

-1 Jerk

*Barbell cannot touch ground or return to the rack during the complex.

1 minute rest, and then:

B: AMRAP 5 minutes:

-5 Clean and jerks

-20 Air Squats

*135/95 Rx/Masters, 95/65 Scaled/Masters 50+, 185#/125# Rx+

STPW 21.1 Part B (AMRAP – Reps)

With a 10 minute running clock:

A: In 4 minutes, build to max weight in the following complex:

-3 Front squats

-2 Hang cleans

-1 Jerk

*Barbell cannot touch ground or return to the rack during the complex.

1 minute rest, and then:

B: AMRAP 5 minutes:

-5 Clean and jerks

-20 Air squats

*135/95 Rx/Masters, 95/65 Scaled/Masters 50+, 185#/125# Rx+