2/2/17 Masters

CrossFit Roselle – Masters


Mobility 2 (No Measure)

Leg Over, Leg Hug, Body Rock, Scorpion, Cossack, Runner, Table

Crossfit Warmup – 2 Rounds (No Measure)

10 Pull Up / Ring Row

10 Ring Dip / Push Up

10 GHD Sit Up / V Up / Sit Up

10 GHD Back Extension / Superman

10 Overhead Squat


Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds for time of:

20 Cal Row

10 Clapping push-ups

20 Lunge jumps

10 Quick feet each foot

*All out efforts. Rest 3 minutes between each round.

2/2/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Double Unders (No Measure)

Practice DU’s for 2 minutes

Yoga Poses/Stretches (No Measure)

Spend 5-10 minutes as a group – Coach’s choice of movements.

CFR Warm-Up 2 (No Measure)

Tabata Style – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Rotate through all movements for 3 full rounds.

– TTB/Kipping knee raises

– KB swings, light

– Barbell thrusters

– Mountain climber push-ups

– Quick feet

It doesn’t matter how many reps you get. Focus on perfect form. Use this time to warm-up and get better at each movement.


Bench Press (10-8-6-4-3-3-3-3)

EOMOM as a group. Get the work done in the time allotted. Use spotters for the heavy sets.


Quick Feet/KB Swings/Box jumps (10 Rounds for reps)

EMOM 10 Minutes:

10 Quick feet (5 each foot)

10 KB swings, 55#/35#

5 Box jumps, 24″/20″

*Go until you no longer get the work done or 10 min, whichever comes first. If you make it 5 or less rounds, do 50 burpees. If you make it 6-9 rounds, do 25 burpees. If you make it the full 10 rounds, no penalty. Scaled/Masters 7 KBS 45#/25#, 3 BJ or step-ups. Rx+ 75#/55# and 30″/24″.

2/1/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Yoga Poses/Stretches (No Measure)

Spend 5-10 minutes as a group – Coach’s choice of movements.

CFR Warm-Up (No Measure)

Tabata style: 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Move from one exercise to the next until 3 full rounds completed:

– Double unders

– Pull-ups

– Dips – Ring or stationary

– Hollow rocks

– Supermans

– OH squats

It doesn’t matter how many reps you get. Focus on perfect form. Use this time to warm-up and get better at each movement.


Back Squat (10-8-6-5-5-5-5)

EOMOM as a group. Weights should be a bit lighter so you can complete each set quickly.


Pull-ups/Push Presses EMOM (10 Rounds for reps)

EMOM 10 Minutes:

Even: 30 seconds Pull-ups for reps

Odd: 30 seconds Push presses for reps, 95#/65#

*Scaled/Masters sub RR as needed, 65#/45#. Rx+ C2B pull-ups and 135#/95#
Get as many reps as possible in 30 seconds, then rest 30 seconds. Record total reps each round.

1/31/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Double Unders (No Measure)

Practice DU’s for 2 minutes

Yoga Poses/Stretches (No Measure)

Spend 5-10 minutes as a group – Coach’s choice of movements.

Burgener Warm Up (No Measure)

Snatch warm up and skill w/ PVC


Snatch (1 Rep EMOM for 10 Minutes)

Start at 60% or more and add 5-10# each rep if possible. If you want to work technique, stay at 65% and do 2 reps each minute.


CrossFit Games Open 15.1 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

9-Minute AMRAP of:

15 Toes To Bar

10 Deadlifts, 115# / 75#

5 Snatches, 115# / 75#
Scaled/Masters sub kipping knee raises, 85#/55#

1/31/17 Masters

CrossFit Roselle – Masters


Joint Roll Out (No Measure)

Neck, Shoulders, Hips, Knees, Ankles

Double Unders (No Measure)

Practice DU’s for 2 minutes

Crossfit Warmup – 1 round (No Measure)

10 Pull Up / Ring Row

10 Ring Dip / Push Up

10 GHD Sit Up / V Up / Sit Up

10 GHD Back Extension / Superman

10 Overhead Squat


Front Squat (5-5-5-5-5)


Roll to Stand/KB Swing (AMRAP – Reps)

On the minute for 10 minutes

Even: 5 Roll to Stand

Odd: Kettlebell Swing

1/30/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Double Unders (No Measure)

Practice DU’s for 2 minutes

Yoga Poses/Stretches (No Measure)

Spend 5-10 minutes as a group – Coach’s choice of movements.

Warm-up (No Measure)

5 Minutes Rowing Technique


Row/Burpee Box jumps (3 Rounds for time)

3 Rounds, each for time of:

Row 750m

20 Burpee box jump overs, 24″/20″

Row 750m

*Rest 5 minutes between rounds. Record times of each round.
Scaled/Masters Row 500m, 15 Burpee box step-ups, Row 500m.

1/28/17 CF Partner

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Active Warm-up (No Measure)

High knees, butt kicks, etc. Dynamic.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

AMRAP 27 Min:

28 Bar muscle ups (sub 2x pull-ups)

1 Rope climb (sub 9 ring rows)

28 Power cleans, 135#/95#

1 Rope climb

28 Wall walks (sub 2x push-ups)

1 Rope climb

28 Power snatches, 95#/65#

1 Rope climb

28 Box jumps, 30″/24″

1 Rope climb

28 OH squats, 115#/75#

1 Rope climb

28 Burpees

1 Rope climb

*Scaled/Masters 95#/65# PC, 65#/45# PS, 75#/55# OHS and 24″/20″ box step-ups. Rx+ 185#/125# PC, 135#/95# PS, 155#/105# OHS and 36″/28″ box jumps.
The weights are just guidelines. Stick with what you can do with good form. Better to go light and fast than heavy with bad form.

1/28/17 Masters

CrossFit Roselle – Masters


Floor Stretches (No Measure)

On floor: Side roll, hip raises, cat/camel, etc..

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Metcon (No Measure)

With a partner complete the following 5 stations, working at each station for 4 minutes:

Farmer’s Carry

Dumbbell Push Press


DB Hang Power Clean

Jumping Jack

1/27/16 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Agility Ladder (No Measure)

Various agility drills using ladder or hoops.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Thruster (Warm-up to 95#/65# in 5 minutes)

Scaled/Masters 65#/45#


Death By Thrusters (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Perform 1 thruster the first minute

Perform 2 thrusters the second minute

Perform 3 thrusters the third minute

*Continue adding 1 rep every minute until you are no longer able to complete the reps in the one minute time frame.

**If you last less than 10 minutes, row 1000m. If you last over 10 but under 15 minutes, row 500m. No rowing penalty if you last over 15 minutes. Rx is 95#/65#, Scaled/Masters is 65#/45#. No Rx+ option, just do the work.

Cool Down

Yoga Poses/Stretches (No Measure)

Spend 5-10 minutes as a group – Coach’s choice of movements.

1/26/17 Masters

CrossFit Roselle – Masters


Foam Roll and Lacrosse Ball (No Measure)

Spend 10 minutes rolling out/smashing/mobilizing

Joint Roll Out (No Measure)

Neck, Shoulders, Hips, Knees, Ankles

Row/Standard Warm-up (No Measure)

Row 500m

Standard warm-up x 1

10 Pull-ups/Ring rows

10 Ring dips/push-ups

10 GHD sit-ups/V-ups

10 Back extensions/supermans

10 OH squats with bar/pvc


Row/DL/Burpee (No Measure)

For 18 minutes , on the minute, alternate trhough:

1) 100m Row

2) 5 Deadlift 185#/135#

3) 7 Burpees