6/21/21 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

In 15 minutes:

Row/bike 2 minutes

Rotator cuff WU

OH band stretch

KB triceps stretch

DB hang muscle cleans

DB shoulder & push presses

DB push jerks

DB clean & jerks


DB Clean & Jerk – Single Arm (Heavy set of 3 each arm in 20 minutes)

Take a single DB from the ground up to shoulder and then overhead (push-press/strict press okay, but DB must touch the shoulder and cannot be one continuous movement.


Rows/DB C&J/Pull-ups (Time)

3 Rounds for time of:

500m Row

20 DB clean & jerks, alt arms each rep, 45#/30#

15 Pull-ups

*Rx+ 65# & C2B pull-ups