12 Days of Christmas WOD!

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Come in, get moving, and set up for WOD, doing a few reps of each movement as you set up. 15 minutes.


12 Days of Christmas WOD (Barbell) (Time)

1 Wall climb/MU

2 Power snatches

3 Box jumps, 24″/20″; 30″/24″

4 Shoulder to OH

5 Burpees

6 Power cleans

7 Pull-ups/C2B Pull-ups

8 Front squats

9 Kipping knee raises/TTB

10 Deadlifts

11 MC Push-ups/HSPUs

12 Thrusters

*Perform just like the song. Select barbell weight and use for entire WOD. Recommended is 65# – 95# for men, 45# – 65# for women. Rx+ is 135#/95# and MUs/C2B/TTB/HSPUs