2/16/19 CF Partner

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Active Warm-up (No Measure)

High knees, butt kicks, etc. Dynamic.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

In 20 Minutes:

200 Abmat sit-up buy-in, then AMRAP remaining time:

-10 Deadlifts

-12 Mountain climber push-ups

-14 Bar over burpees

-16 Ring rows

*sub 2 rope climbs for the ring rows. Choose DL weight and post to comments.

2/15/19 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Agility Ladder (No Measure)

Various agility drills using ladder or hoops.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Open Test (AMRAP – Reps)

AMRAP 20 Minutes:

50 Wall balls, 20#/14#

50 Double unders

40 Box jumps, 24″/20″

40 Toes to bar

30 Chest to bar pull-ups

30 Burpees

20 Cleans, 145#/100#

20 Jerks, 145#/100#

10 Snatches, 145#/100#

10 Ring muscle ups

*No Rx+ option, just go as far as possible. Scaled option: 14#/10# WB, 100 single unders, box step-ups, V-ups, pull-ups or ring rows, and 95#/65# for the barbell weight.

2/14/19 CF Kids

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit Kids (Ages 9-14)


Kids Cage Run (No Measure)

Run around cage 5 minutes, breaking to do various movements (burpees, sit-ups, push-ups, etc.).


DB Snatch (Practice 10 Minutes)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

In 12 Minutes:

500m Row, then AMRAP remaining time:

-15 Wall balls

-10 DB snatches, alt arms each rep

2/14/19 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Row 500m

Hip Circle Band WU

20 Walking lunges

15 Wall balls

Lying Chest Twister Stretch

20 Hand release push-ups

10 Dips


Back Squat (10-8-5-3-3-3-3-3)

Bench Press (10-8-5-3-3-3-3-3)


8 Minute Row For Calories (Calories)

8 Min Row for Calories

3/12/19 CF Kids

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit Kids (Ages 9-14)


Kids Agility Ladder (No Measure)

Agility Ladder

– follow up each trip with 10 reps of one of the following:

–Pull-ups x 2

–Push-ups x 2

–Sit-ups x 2

–Supermans x 1

–Mountain climber hip stretches x 1

–Squats x 2


Sumo Deadlift High Pull (Practice 10 minutes)


Metcon (Time)

5 rounds for time of:

-10 Quick feet

-10 Sumo deadlift high pulls

-5-8 Burpees AFAP

*Group A goes while B rests, then switch. All out efforts.

2/13/19 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Row 500m

Rotator cuff WU

PVC pass throughs

OH Band stretch

2 Rounds of:

– 7 Plate ground to OH

– 8 OH Walking lunges

– 5 Burpees

– 8 OH Walking lunges


Split Jerk (Practice 15 minutes)


Split Jerks/Chin Over Bar Holds (Time)

15-12-9-6-3 Reps for time of:

-Split jerks, 135#/95#

*Accumulate a 30 second chin-over-bar hold after each round. Alternate legs each rep. Work form over speed – do a real split and bring feet back together while barbell remains OH. Scale weight/hold as needed.

2/12/19 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Row 500m

10 Laps around cage

15 Burpees

20 Walking lunges

20 Shoulder kips

15 Muscle cleans

10 Hang squat cleans w/ bounce at bottom

5 Muscle ups (10 pull-ups + 10 Dips)


Squat Clean (Heavy Double in 15 minutes)


TTB/DUs/Squat Cleans (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 16 Minutes:

25 Toes to bar

50 Double unders

15 Squat cleans, 95#/65#

*Squat cleans reduce by 2 reps each round, but increase in weight to 135#/85#, 185#/115#, 225#/145#. Scaled/Masters 15 TTB, 30 DUs, and start squat cleans at 10 reps and at 75#/55# (increase by 20# each round). Rx+ start at 135#/85# and do 275#/175# for 4th round.

2/11/19 CF Kids

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit Kids (Ages 9-14)


Active Warm-up (No Measure)

High knees, butt kicks, etc. Dynamic.


Weighted Step-ups (10-10-10-10)

5 each leg/set


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 12 Minutes:

-10 Kipping knee raises

-8 Box jumps

-6 Mountain climber push-ups (3 steps + 1 push-up = 1 rep)

2/11/19 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


CFR Warm-Up (No Measure)

-Row 500m

-Rotator cuff exercises

-Hip circle band

-10 Pull-ups

-10 Dips

-10 Hollow rocks

-10 OH squats

Double unders in remaining time


Rows/Shoulder Presses (4 Rounds for reps)

4 Rounds of:

Row 500m for time, then immediately perform max rep shoulder presses, 95#/65#.

Rest 3 minutes between efforts.

2/9/19 CF Partner

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Active Warm-up (No Measure)

High knees, butt kicks, etc. Dynamic.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


-4 Min Push-ups

-4 Min Ring rows

-4 Min Burpees

-4 Min Slam ball side throws, 30#/20#

-4 Min Row for calories

*Rx+ Dips and Pull-ups. One partner working at a time. Go in order if possible.