Why "Ready" Is a Myth: Starting Your Fitness Journey Today
Let me guess—you’ve been flirting with the idea of joining a gym, but you’re waiting for the right time. Maybe you’re thinking, I’ll start once I lose a few pounds, or I need to get my stamina up before I can even set foot in a gym. Sound familiar?
Here’s the deal: waiting for the “perfect moment” to start your fitness journey is like waiting for a unicorn to show up and escort you to your first workout. Spoiler: it’s not happening. The idea that you need to be “ready” is one of the biggest myths in fitness—and it’s holding you back.
Today, we’re blowing that myth out of the water, diving into the fears that keep people stuck, and showing you why now is always the best time to start.
The Myth of Readiness
Somewhere along the way, we bought into the idea that we need to be prepared before starting anything new. But when it comes to fitness, this mindset is as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
Here’s why the “ready” myth is a trap:
- It’s a moving target. The idea of “ready” shifts as we do. First, you want to lose a little weight. Then you think, Maybe I’ll start after the holidays. Before you know it, a year has passed, and you’re no closer to your goals.
- Growth happens in the discomfort.
The truth is, you’ll never feel 100% ready because real progress happens outside your comfort zone. That first step feels awkward for everyone—it’s what makes it transformative.
So, let’s bust the myth: readiness isn’t a prerequisite for action. It’s the result.
Pain Point #1: Fear of Judgment
Raise your hand if this thought has crossed your mind: What if I’m the least fit person at the gym?
This fear can feel paralyzing, but let’s flip the script:
- Everyone starts somewhere. The marathon runner on the treadmill? They once huffed and puffed through their first mile. The person squatting with perfect form? They started with wobbly knees and unsure footing.
- Most people aren’t paying attention to you. Seriously. Gym-goers are too focused on their own goals (and trying not to drop a dumbbell on their foot) to notice what anyone else is doing.
The gym isn’t a stage—it’s a classroom. And no one’s grading you.
Pain Point #2: Waiting Wastes Time
Every day you wait to start is a day you could be making progress. Let’s reframe:
- Time doesn’t wait. Whether you start today or a month from now, the clock keeps ticking. Starting now means you’re one step closer to your goals.
- Momentum builds motivation. The hardest part is showing up. Once you start, even small wins create the momentum to keep going.
Waiting is like watching a plant and hoping it grows before you water it. Action is the water.
Why Starting Now Matters
Imagine yourself a year from now. What will you be glad you started today?
- Will it be learning how to do a push-up?
- Feeling less winded chasing your kids?
- Or just proving to yourself that you can stick with something?
The point is, every journey begins with a single step—even if it feels like a stumble.
Helpful Tip: Focus on One Small Action
Overwhelm is a dream-killer, so start small:
- Commit to one gym visit this week.
- Try a beginner-friendly class or a short workout.
- Set a micro-goal, like 15 minutes of movement a day.
Progress isn’t about perfection—it’s about consistency.
Conclusion: Start Messy, Start Now
Here’s the truth: the perfect time doesn’t exist. If you wait to feel “ready,” you’ll spend your life waiting.
So, what’s stopping you? The fear of not being good enough? Newsflash: you’re already good enough, and every expert you admire was once a beginner.
Your fitness journey starts when you do. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Right now. Lace up your sneakers, walk into the gym, and take that first step. Messy. Awkward. Imperfect. And absolutely worth it.
Your next move: Stop reading. Start doing. You’ve got this! Click that button at the top of the page that says "Book a Free Intro" and let's get started today!!