9/8/16 Endurance

CrossFit Roselle – Endurance


Row/Standard Warm-up (No Measure)

Row 500m

Standard warm-up x 1

10 Pull-ups/Ring rows

10 Ring dips/push-ups

10 GHD sit-ups/V-ups

10 Back extensions/supermans

10 OH squats with bar/pvc


Row/Run Combo (Time)

Complete the following for time:

Row 1000m

Rest 2 minutes

Row 800m, Run 200m

Rest 2 minutes

Row 600m, Run 400m

Rest 2 minutes

Row 400m, Run 600m

Rest 2 minutes

Row 200m, Run 800m

Rest 2 minutes

Run 1000m

9/8/16 Masters/Beginners

CrossFit Roselle – Masters/Beginners


Joint Roll Out (No Measure)

Neck, Shoulders, Hips, Knees, Ankles

Double Unders (No Measure)

Practice DU’s for 2 minutes

Crossfit Warmup – 2 Rounds (No Measure)

10 Pull Up / Ring Row

10 Ring Dip / Push Up

10 GHD Sit Up / V Up / Sit Up

10 GHD Back Extension / Superman

10 Overhead Squat


Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds of:

200m Run

15 KB Swing

15 Box Jump

9/7/16 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Row/Standard Warm-up (No Measure)

Row 500m

Standard warm-up x 1

10 Pull-ups/Ring rows

10 Ring dips/push-ups

10 GHD sit-ups/V-ups

10 Back extensions/supermans

10 OH squats with bar/pvc


Farmer’s Carry (3 x 150′)


Wall balls/Double unders (Time)

3 Rounds for time of:

35 Wall balls, 20#/14#

70 Double unders

*Rx+ for going unbroken.

9/6/16 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Row/Standard Warm-up (No Measure)

Row 500m

Standard warm-up x 1

10 Pull-ups/Ring rows

10 Ring dips/push-ups

10 GHD sit-ups/V-ups

10 Back extensions/supermans

10 OH squats with bar/pvc

Burgener Warm Up (No Measure)

Snatch warm up and skill w/ PVC


Snatch (1 Rep EMOM 20 Minutes)

Start light, add 5# each rep if possible.

9/6/16 Masters/Beginners

CrossFit Roselle – Masters/Beginners


Mobility 2 (No Measure)

Leg Over, Leg Hug, Body Rock, Scorpion, Cossack, Runner, Table

400m Warmup Run (No Measure)

Barbell Warmup (No Measure)

10 Bent over Rows

10 Hang Power Cleans

10 Front Squats

10 Push Presses

10 Hang Snatches

10 Overhead Squats


Front Squat (5×5)

9/5/16 Labor Day CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Active Warm-up (No Measure)

High knees, butt kicks, etc. Dynamic.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Gaza (Time)

5-Rounds for time:

35 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5 pood

30 Push-ups

25 Pull-ups

20 Box Jumps, 30″

1-Mile Run
In honor, U.S. Air Force Major Lucas “Gaza” Gruenther, of Twain Harte, California, died Jan. 28, 2013
To learn more about Gaza click here

9/3/16 CF Partner

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Active Warm-up (No Measure)

High knees, butt kicks, etc. Dynamic.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Metcon (No Measure)

5 Station Outdoor WOD:

Sled Push

Knees to elbows

Hurdle jumps

OH Walking lunges, 45#/35#

Sledgehammer strikes

9/3/16 Masters/Beginners

CrossFit Roselle – Masters/Beginners


Active Warm-up (No Measure)

High knees, butt kicks, etc. Dynamic.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Metcon (No Measure)

5 station partner workout. 4 minutes per station, 8 minutes for bike/row station.

Tire flip jump through

Toes to bar

Mountain climber push up

Overhead walking lunge


9/2/16 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Row/Standard Warm-up (No Measure)

Row 500m

Standard warm-up x 1

10 Pull-ups/Ring rows

10 Ring dips/push-ups

10 GHD sit-ups/V-ups

10 Back extensions/supermans

10 OH squats with bar/pvc


Tire Flips/Wall Climbs/Med ball runs (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:

5 Tire flips

2 Wall climbs

400m Run w/ med ball, 20#/14#

Rest 3 minutes between rounds.

*Rx+ 5 Clean & jerks, 185#/125#, 5 Muscle ups, 200m Run. Rest 3 minutes between rounds.

9/1/16 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Row/Standard Warm-up (No Measure)

Row 500m

Standard warm-up x 1

10 Pull-ups/Ring rows

10 Ring dips/push-ups

10 GHD sit-ups/V-ups

10 Back extensions/supermans

10 OH squats with bar/pvc


Reverse tire/sled pull (x3)


Row/Burpee Pull-ups (Time)

4 Rounds for time of:

Row 25 calories

12 Burpee pull-ups

*Rx+ Attempt to complete each round in under 2 minutes. Rx+ will also rest 2 minutes between rounds.