6/15/22 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

In 10 minutes:

Row/bike/ski 2 min

Sampson stretch

Good mornings

Front rack stretch

Dip shrug high elbows

Muscle cleans

Front squats

Shoulder presses


Hang Power clean x 2 + Jerk (15 min to work up to heavy single)

Complete 2 hang power cleans and then 1 jerk without setting down barbell


Running “DT” (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:

400m Run

1 Round “DT”

-12 Deadlifts

-9 Hang power cleans

-6 Push jerks

Rx 155/105#. Scale distance/weight as needed to finish under 20 min. 1st round needs to be 3:30 or less and should not be at all out effort.