2/7/17 Masters

CrossFit Roselle – Masters


Floor Stretches (No Measure)

On floor: Side roll, hip raises, cat/camel, etc..

Crossfit Warmup – 1 round (No Measure)

10 Pull Up / Ring Row

10 Ring Dip / Push Up

10 GHD Sit Up / V Up / Sit Up

10 GHD Back Extension / Superman

10 Overhead Squat


Deadlift (5-5-3-3-1-1-1-1)

Work up to a heavy single.


Metcon (Time)

10-9-8-7…3-2-1 Burpees

2-4-6-8…16-18-20 Sit Ups

Alternate between Burpees and Sit Ups until all reps are complete. Burpees are done on one side of the gym, Sit Ups on the other.