12/19/16 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


CFR Warm-Up (No Measure)

Tabata style: 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Move from one exercise to the next until 3 full rounds completed:

– Double unders

– Pull-ups

– Dips – Ring or stationary

– Hollow rocks

– Supermans

– OH squats

It doesn’t matter how many reps you get. Focus on perfect form. Use this time to warm-up and get better at each movement.


Overhead Squat (3 Reps EOMOM for 10 Min)


SDHP/HPC/PP/OH Squat/Burpees (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:

10 Sumo deadlift high pulls

10 Hang power cleans

10 Push presses

10 OH squats

10 Burpees

*Rx 65#/45#, scaled/masters, 45#/35#, Rx+ 95#/65#