1/14/17 CF Partner

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Active Warm-up (No Measure)

High knees, butt kicks, etc. Dynamic.

Dodgeball (No Measure)

5 minutes. 2 burpees each time you get hit or someone catches your ball. 5 burpee penalty for hitting above the neck.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 20 Min:

60 DB Snatches, alt arms each rep

50 TTB/V-ups/Abmat sit-ups

40 Cal row

30 Burpees

*Go heavy, but light enough that you can string together 10 reps at a time.

Cool Down

Yoga Poses/Stretches (No Measure)

Spend 5-10 minutes as a group – Coach’s choice of movements.