11/17/20 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Row/Bike/Run 2 minutes

Sampson stretch

Half pigeon

Couch stretch

PVC pass throughs

OH band stretch

AMRAP 5 Minutes:

-10 shoulder kips

-10 lunge jumps

-5 pull-ups

-5 burpees

-20 sec handstand hold


Reverse lunge steps (10-10-8-8-6-6)

Back rack position. Step back with one leg until knee kisses ground, then stand back up to starting position. Alternate legs each rep.


EMOM Quick Feet/V-ups (10 Rounds for reps)

EMOM for 10 minutes:

10 Quick feet

15 V-ups

*Masters/Scaled 10-15 sit-ups/round. Rx+ 10 TTB/round.

11/14/20 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Roll out/stretch 10 Min

Row or bike or run 2 min

AMRAP 6 min:

-3 burpees

-6 lunge jumps

-9 hollow rocks

-12 DB snatches


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 20 min:

-4 DB snatches, heavy

-8 Box jump overs/up and overs

-12 Weighted step ups, heavy

-16 Roll-to-stands/V-ups

-20 Pull-ups/ring rows

*Cut roll-to-stand/v-up and pull-up/ring row reps as needed to keep moving.

11/12/20 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


CFR Warm-Up (No Measure)

In 15 minutes:

Row 500m

2 Rounds of the following:

-Sampson Stretch

-10 Pull-ups

-10 Push-ups/dips

-10 GHD sit-ups

-10 Hip/Back extensions

-10 OH squats

-30 Double unders


Bench Press (Heavy single in 20 minutes)


KB Swings/Box Jumps/Toes to Bar (Time)

30-20-10 reps of:

KB swings, 55#/35#

Box jumps, 24″/20″

Toes to bar

*Rx+ 20-15-10 with 75#/55# & 30″/24″.

11/11/20 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


CFR Warm-Up (No Measure)

In 15 minutes:

Row 500m

2 Rounds of the following:

-Sampson Stretch

-10 Pull-ups

-10 Push-ups/dips

-10 GHD sit-ups

-10 Hip/Back extensions

-10 OH squats

-30 Double unders


Quick Feet/Burpees/Double Unders (Time)

6 Rounds for time of:

-10 Quick feet

-10 Burpees

-50 Double unders

-10 Burpees

-10 Quick feet

*Rest 3 minutes between each round. Scale so that first round is less than 3 minutes.

11/10/20 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

In 10 minutes:

Row/Bike 2 minutes

Plate hamstring into squat stretch

10 Ground to OH

10 OH walking lunges

10 Pull-ups

5 Ground to OH

6 OH walking lunges

5 Pull-ups


Deadlift (Heavy single in 25 minutes)

Weighted Pull-ups (Heavy single in 15 minutes)

Use bands and perform strict pull-ups if unable to do unassisted. Get in 30 reps minimum – chin over bar every rep.


Assault/Echo Bike 1 Minute (Calories)

Max Effort – calories in 1 minute.

11/9/20 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

In 10 Minutes:

Row/Bike 2 minutes

Sampson stretch

Shoulder kips

PVC pass throughs

-10 Burpees

-10 Pull-ups

-10 OH squats

-30 Sec HS hold


Handstand Walk (Handstand hold/walk practice 10 minutes)


Runs/Wall Walks (Time)

For time:

-800m Run

-6 Wall walks

*Rx+ 75′ handstand walk in place of the wall walks

11/7/20 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Roll out/stretch 10 minutes

Active warm-up


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 25 Min:

-15 Floor wipers holding 45/35# plate

-75 Double unders

-200m Farmers carry, single arm

-2-25m Sprints

*Record farmers carry weight in notes.

11/6/20 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Agility Ladder (No Measure)

Various agility drills using ladder or hoops.


Push Jerk (work up to heavy triple in 15 minutes)


2007 RELOAD “Light” (Time)

For time:

1500m Row,

Then, 5 rounds of:

-10 Chest to bar pull-ups

-7 shoulder-to-overheads, 155#/105#

*Rx+ Bar muscle ups and 185#/125#

11/5/20 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


CFR Warm-Up (No Measure)

In 15 minutes:

Row 500m

2 Rounds of the following:

-Sampson Stretch

-10 Pull-ups

-10 Push-ups/dips

-10 GHD sit-ups

-10 Hip/Back extensions

-10 OH squats

-30 Double unders


Eric’s 54th Birthday WOD (Time)

2 Rounds for time of:

500m Row

400m Run

50 Box jumps, 24″/20″

40 Push-ups

5 Rope climbs, 18’/15′

4 Muscle-ups

11/4/20 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Row/Run/Bike 2 min

Plate squat stretch into hamstring stretch

20 Walking lunges

10 Burpee pull-ups


Back Squat (Heaviest set of 3 in 25 minutes)


Quick Feet/TTB/Hang Power Cleans (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 15 Minutes:

-10 Quick feet

-10 V-ups

-10 Hang power cleans, 75#/55#

*Rest 1 minute between rounds. Rx+ TTB and 115#/75#