8/23/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


#2 CFR Warm-Up (No Measure)

In 15 minutes:

Roll out 5 minutes

1 minute double unders

30 sec Sampson stretch each side

20 shoulder kips

10 mountain climber hip stretches

10 burpees

10 pull-ups

10 dips

30 second L-sit

10 overhead squats

Row 2 minutes

Couch stretch in remaining time


DB Thrusters (10-10-10-10-10)


Metcon (Time)

50 reps for time of:

DB burpee box step ups (DB in each hand)

*Burpee is to be completed with a perfect push-up. Box height is 20″ (scale up/down if needed for height – hip should be just below parallel when foot is on box). Post DB weight to notes. Wear a weighted vest if you have one.