4/24/17 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Row 2 min

30 Sec Sampson stretch each side

30 Sec Shoulder kips

30 Sec Reverse bridge stretch

30 Sec Shoulder opener stretch each side

30 Sec Mountain climber hip stretch

30 Sec Hollow rocks

30 Sec Pull-ups

30 Sec Med ball clean w/ bounce at bottom

30 Sec Burpees

30 Sec Roll to stands

30 Sec OH Squat
This isn’t an AMRAP, but put in some work and warm-up properly. Row 1000m if you’re late to class.


Outdoor Wall Climb (Practice)


Farmer’s Carry/Wall Climb/Run/Pull-ups (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 20 Min:

150′ Farmer’s carry, 50#/35# each arm

1 Tire obstacle plus wall climb, 8’/6′

200m Run

15 Pull-ups outdoor cage

*Scaled/Masters 35#/20#, sub 5 burpees for wall climb, & 15 jumping pull-ups. Rx+ 75#/50# & C2B pull-ups.