3/7/19 CF

CrossFit Roselle – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Group stretch

AMRAP 8 Minutes:

– 20 DUs

– 5 MC Push ups

– 5 Med ball cleans

– 5 Toes to bar


Split Jerk (Heavy single in 15 Minutes)


Double Unders/Med Ball Twists/Box Jumps (Time)

5 Rounds for time (12 min cap):

30 Double unders

20 Med ball twists, 20#/14#

10 Box jumps, 24″/20″

*Scaled/Masters 50 singles, 14#/10# Med ball twists, and step-ups allowed. Rx+ UB DUs, 20 GHD sit-ups, and 24″/20″ box jump overs (no touching of box).